Ex Radical Muslim Package - 2 FILMS

Ex Radical Muslim Package - 2 FILMS

1. Wagdi was a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan.
2. Amanda was enlisted into a Middle Eastern army and trained to be a suicide bomber.
Hear their incredible stories of how Jesus rescued them in their darkest moments.

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Ex Radical Muslim Package - 2 FILMS
  • ESCAPE FROM HELL - Ex Radical Muslim

    After memorizing the Qur'an at age 6, Wagdi joined the Muslim Brotherhood during his university days in Sudan.
    Listen to how Jesus saved him from death in his most desperate hour.

  • ESCAPE FROM HELL - Ex Muslim Suicide Bomber

    Amanda was trained for war in a middle-Eastern country and then volunteered for front-line service...which potentially included suicide bombing missions. During her darkest and most desperate moment Jesus appeared to her and healed her. Watch her inspiring story now!